A Thorough Grounding In Biblical Studies And A Well-Rounded Christian Perspective
At JSBC, students experience a community with a strong intellectual and spiritual heritage — a community of faculty and students connected by a common message and dedicated to the constant pursuit of knowledge and truth.
JSBC Prepares You For Life With Faith-Based Academics
Our degree programs are built on a solid foundation of various disciplines, including English, math, science, and history.
Students who successfully complete their chosen undergraduate programs should…
Be committed to the conviction that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and is both infallible and inerrant.
Possess a thorough biblical and academic training, which includes an understanding of Scripture, a thorough grasp of the fundamental doctrines of the Bible, and a rigorous academic curriculum.
Utilize unique personal gifts for ministry, which have been developed by practical and consistent hands-on training.
Demonstrate growth in personal character, spirituality, responsibility, stewardship, and cooperation in personal relationships.
Adopt patterns of good health as a lifestyle.
Gain competence in a chosen field of study, or give evidence of adequate preparation for related graduate study programs.
Develop skills for critical thinking from a Christian worldview.
Communicate effectively in written and verbal form with a Christian perspective.
Develop a commitment to worldwide evangelism and ministry.