The entire JSBC community commits to uphold the following lifestyle principles on and off campus:

 I covenant to seek the Lord’s guidance through daily personal prayer and Bible study and by faithfully attending all classes, chapels, and weekly church services.

  1. I covenant to be faithful and punctual in attending class sessions and other academic gatherings, constantly seeking to be diligent in developing the full potential of our/my mind.

  2. I covenant to practice good health and physical fitness by getting appropriate rest and exercise and by observing a balanced diet.

  3. I covenant to embrace and hold to a life of personal holiness, refraining from sinful and illegal practices while on, or off, campus.

  4. I covenant to refrain from all participation in the use of alcohol, tobacco, vaping, or illegal drugs including the abuse of prescription and non-prescription medication.

  5. I covenant to not support or participate in Biblically prohibited sexual activity including, but not limited to, accessing and/or possessing pornography in any form, lesbianism, bisexuality, and homosexual behavior, sexual relations outside of marriage, or transgender and cross gender identity activity. (Cross gender identity is seeking to live as or identify with a sexual orientation or gender other than the biological sex or gender assigned to the individual by God at birth.) (Gen. 1:27; Lev. 18; Deut. 22:5; Deut. 32:4; Jer. 1:5; Rom. 1:18-32; 1 Cor. 6:18-20; Tim. 1:10).

  6. I covenant to be mindful and diligent in properly handling all business and financial responsibilities.

  7. I covenant to be continually involved in ministry, always looking for and using every opportunity to minister, teach, proclaim, and bless others for Christ.

  8. I covenant to walk in humility toward others, and live in submission to those in authority, obeying all College rules and regulations, and always manifesting a cooperative and teachable attitude.

  9. I covenant to live for the Lord Jesus Christ, who is my personal Savior and Lord of my life, and to do nothing that will bring shame to His Testimony.